12/01/2017 - Victims of ‘hit and run’ accidents and their families suffer potentially long-term physical and emotional impacts. To highlight the scale of the problem in the UK, in just over 12% of road traffic accidents reported to the police where someone is injured (17,122), a ‘hit and run’ driver is involved. This is the second year in succession showing an increase, reversing the trend seen over the past decade.
23/12/2016 - The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) welcomes the announcement by the Department for Transport (DfT) that it is consulting on options to amend motor insurance law in light of the European Court ruling in the case of Damijan Vnuk.
23/12/2016 - MIB has been working with the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) to identify customers at risk, following the default of Gable Insurance.
05/12/2016 - The third edition of the PACTS (Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety) and Direct Line `Constituency of Road Safety Dashboard` has been launched. The Dashboard shows the Department for Transport’s road casualty data by Parliamentary constituency and, for the first time, it includes collisions and uninsured driver data provided by MIB.