MIB is Carbon Neutral
20 July 2023

Our Reduction in CO₂e Emissions
We are happy to share that MIB, through reducing our Carbon Dioxide and Greenhouse Gases (CO₂e) and carbon off-setting, is now a carbon neutral certified business.
MIB is a corporate socially responsible business and we care greatly about our impact on both people and planet.
During 2021 and 2022 we refurbished Linford Wood House (LWH) and that provided us with the opportunity to also make improvements that would significantly reduce our environmental footprint – in fact it took our Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating for the building from an E to a B – an incredible improvement.
Annually, we work with an external organisation to audit our greenhouse gas emissions and we share this information publicly in our annual report. After the refurbishment and enhancements to LWH we reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by a staggering 71% (2022 compared to 2021) reducing our total emissions for 2022 was just 78 tonnes CO2e. This is primarily due to more efficient electricity consumption and no combustion of natural gas.
This significant reduction is a huge step in our journey to reduce our environmental impact and furthermore, we decided that with our greenhouse gas emissions now so low, we would off-set those emissions – enabling us to be a carbon neutral company.
Carbon Neutral
We chose to offset our carbon emissions with Carbon Neutral Britain. We used our external audited report to confirm the amount CO2e that we were responsible for in 2022, which was 78 tonnes. Carbon Neutral Britain then provided us with a number of funding options and associated costs and we selected to off set through the four certified projects below.
We selected to work with Carbon Neutral Britain due to their high level of verification of projects, certification and in addition to protecting the climate, every project also supports local communities in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (also referred to as Global Goals).
Through our off-setting funding with Carbon Neutral Britain we are supporting these four certified projects which remove CO₂e from the atmosphere:
Andes Mountains Hydro Power – Chile
Located in the Tinguiririca River upper valley, this Hydroelectric project is around 120km south of Santiago, Chile. Known as La Confluencia, the 163 MW run of river hydro power plant utilises the hydrological resources of the Tinguiririca, Portillo and Azufre Rivers, in a run of river scheme to generate and supply zero emission energy to the Chilean central electricity grid (SIC). The power plant generates certified emission reductions (CERs) by displacing electricity generation from grid connected fossil fuel-fired power plants that would otherwise be generating electricity.
Energy Efficient Lighting – India
This project was developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) to promote energy efficient lighting in India, thus reducing the electricity, and therefore carbon emissions generated from the grid. When established, around 76% of India’s electricity was generated from coal – and so by reducing energy consumption and efficiency, over 35,000 tonnes of CO2e are offset each year.
The Salkhit Wind Farm - Mongolia
The Salkhit Wind Farm is the first grid-connected wind farm in Mongolia. The project generates renewable electricity using wind power resources and supplies it to the Mongolian central electricity system grid to meet the growing electricity demand.
The Nkhata Bay Cook Stove Project - Malawi
The Nkhata Bay Cook Stove Project aims to improve the livelihoods, health, and environment of 200,000 people in Nkhata Bay District, Malawi by distributing high-efficiency biomass cook stoves to 22,000 households. The project aims to reduce deforestation, respiratory diseases, burns, and greenhouse gas emissions by saving wood consumption and reducing smoke and fire hazards.
Tree Planting - UK
In addition Carbon Neutral invest 10% on sustainable tree planting projects in Britain, for Britain. With projects in England, Scotland and Wales, to help ensure that our impact is felt at home as well as abroad.