Motor Insurers Bureau announces registration window open for whiplash reforms service
22 January 2020

This morning, (Wednesday, 22nd January) the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) announced the registration window is now open for the service to deliver the whiplash reforms programme on behalf of the Ministry of Justice. Claimant representative and compensator organisations can register at a time of their convenience between now and the launch of the service in April online at
Dominic Clayden, CEO of Motor Insurers’ Bureau said: “Today’s launch is a significant milestone for the successful delivery of the new service to support the whiplash reforms set by the Ministry of Justice. By opening up the registration window today we are able to give organisations the chance to choose a registration time that best suits them in the coming weeks. There is still much to do ahead of launch but from an MIB perspective, work on the build has gone well and overall delivery is in good shape.
“The website you can see today will be updated at launch to put consumers centre stage – and support and guide them simply and quickly through the new process. This is a service built with consumers at its heart and shaped with their input. The second round of testing amongst consumers is currently underway and we will publish high level results in the coming weeks.”
This advanced registration phase is being opened to claimant representative and compensator organisations to help their preparations for the service launch. This includes setting up their organisation, creating accounts for web users and facilitating testing of integration to the service.
In November, the MIB concluded the first of two testing phases to inform the development of the service. The second phase of testing is now underway.
Support for Registration
An email eshot has been sent today to all those organisations who have subscribed, confirming registration launch details.
To support organisations with the registration process, MIB has created quick reference user guides for claimant representative and compensator administrators, available for download on the Official Injury Claim website.
The registration process for Official Injury Claim has been designed to be simple and straightforward for claimant representative and compensator organisations and will appear familiar to anyone who has registered for the Claims Portal.
Once registered, organisations will be able to set up their organisation, create accounts for web users and facilitate testing of their integration to the service.