MIB statement on the use of e-scooters, Mail on Sunday, 9 August 2020
09 August 2020

The MIB (Motor Insurers’ Bureau) supports the Department for Transport’s trials and indeed the potential legalisation of e-scooters for use on the road, but we stand with 80% of the British public in calling for compulsory insurance of these motorised vehicles.
We welcome the fact that operators during the trials will be required to have Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL) insurance. However, it’s important to remember that e-scooters (and other e-mobility devices) not used as part of the trials remain illegal for use on roads and in other public places.
As it stands there has been no announcement on insurance requirements should e-scooters become legal. The government’s failure to implement relevant EU law since 2014 has left the MIB bearing the costs for compensating victims who are hit by e-scooters. These claims are effectively funded by premium paying motorists and result – completely unfairly – in increased motor insurance premiums for all decent road users. This situation continues after the transition period ends, as this EU law requirement remains in UK law until the government legislates to remove it. So far, they have not committed to doing so.
The MIB believes there are potentially catastrophic consequences for legalising e-scooters beyond these trials without the requirement for some form of compulsory insurance. There is a high risk of accidents – presenting a dangerous threat to the safety and security of pedestrians, children and other innocent road users. This increases the likelihood of victims enduring life-threatening and life changing consequences with no hope of compensation for the victims. This also poses a major risk to e-scooter users without insurance, who could be forced to pay out thousands of pounds in liability if they have an accident.