Going further and faster
to make roads safer

The fear, the suffering, and the injustice. Let's end uninsured driving forever

MIB was founded on the idea that no one injured by an uninsured driver should be left without the support they deserve. Decades on, that founding principle remains at the heart of our mission. And yet, to achieve our long-term goal of ending uninsured driving, we must find ways to go further and faster."

Dominic Clayden, CEO

Our plan for 2024 is about taking everything we've achieved to the next level – going further than ever to keep uninsured drivers off our roads, improving the support we provide for victims, strengthening relationships, and continuing to prepare for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Find out more in Our Plan for 2024

"They told me I may never use the lower half of my body again."

Toni was driving down a small country road when an uninsured driver slammed into her at high speed.

This is Toni's story.

Our priorities for the year ahead

We'll do more than ever to keep uninsured vehicles off our roads; improving our data and intelligence, expanding our enforcement team, and looking at how new technologies could play an even bigger role. We'll also continue to evolve the way we share information. Alongside Navigate, the single, modern, and scalable platform we need for the future, we'll work with members to understand how we can improve the quality of information available through our data services.


Alongside the police and the government, we'll influence the behaviours we know lead to uninsured driving. We'll further evolve how we work with our members on shared challenges and strengthen international relationships to make sure victims of cross-border accidents get the support they need. And we'll work together to support an informed conversation about the potential risks around autonomous and connected vehicles.


We'll be much clearer about how our work supports victims and keeps uninsured drivers off the roads. We'll make our employer offering more open, transparent, and relevant and go further than ever to make a positive difference to communities and the environment. And we'll explore how artificial intelligence could benefit our future work.

That's not all we've got planned. Download our full plan for 2024 here.

To learn more, please contact us via CustomerEnquiries@mib.org.uk or find us on social media.