MIAFTR delivery timeline - your latest update
24 June 2024

MIAFTR delivery timeline - your latest update

We’ve previously shared that we were aiming to welcome MIAFTR users into Navigate in September 2024.   

However, given our focus on resolving post-launch issues following the MID’s transition into Navigate, it’s clear that we need to carefully re-evaluate the MIAFTR delivery timeline, to ensure its realistic and deliverable for all stakeholders.   

Our ‘fix forward’ approach outlined above is making good progress. We’re also capturing the lessons learnt from recent weeks and carefully considering these in our planning for MIAFTR transition into Navigate. 

We also recognise that customers need sufficient time to prepare. And we want to provide customers with the most effective level of support ahead of Go Live.    

So, we can now confirm that MIAFTR will not be replatformed in 2024 and a revised delivery timeline will be developed and shared later this year following further evaluation by the MIB Board. We’ll ensure that timeline is realistic and achievable for all our MIAFTR stakeholders. 

This additional time will enable us to continue this lessons learntapproach and also provide additional customer engagement and support ahead of MIAFTR’s integration into Navigate.In the meantime, if you have any questions please reach out to our Navigate engagement team at engagement@mib.org.uk