1. Will individual APIs be available for organisations that have multiple underwriting systems?

    Yes. Multiple integration points can be made available for Day 1 with ongoing support to combine as required. The migration phase of the project will support system and organisational variances, but bespoke needs will be delivered later.

  2. Will the new platform be hosted in AWS?

    Navigate will be hosted in Microsoft Azure.

  3. Do you have any information yet on data domains, models, REST APIs or interface technologies?

    We'll be providing a REST API and more details will be issued within technical/design guides with support around the testing environment.

  4. Will 'Land Safe' consider expanding the data and format on Day 1?

    For us to achieve Land Safe the data and format cannot be changed for Day 1

  5. Will MIB be publishing the reference data concept and do you think this will increase "rejects''?

    There are ongoing discussions at MIB Board level around what tools are used for, validation and standardising data. We will issue further information on this when we're able to.

  6. Will I be able to obtain real time reporting for timeliness and data quality?

    We're confident this will be much improved within the self-service function. 

  7. Will the data transfer method of Compare & Amend be available in the new world of MID?

    The compare and amend method of updating fleet/commercial/motor trade policies is out of scope for the new platform. Policyholders that currently use this method will be moved to the standard file transfer method to update vehicle records. We appreciate this may mean development work for the very small number of policyholders currently using this option.

  8. Will MID 1 and MID 2 exist on the new platform?

    The separation of MID 1 and MID 2 will not exist in the new platform. However, we will be able to identify the differences between Personal policy data and Fleet/Commercial policy data.

  9. How will the Land Safe principle work with the existing SFTP supply method and key file authentication? Will this require migration?

    We’ll continue to use SSH keys along with login credentials. A new set of credentials will be provided as part of the migration and suppliers will need to issue new SSH keys.

  10. What are the benefits to us of moving from V1 to V2 of the MIAFTR API?

    V2 uses a modern approach to API architecture and all future releases will be based on V2. There are currently no plans to require users to move to V2.

  11. When will the MID Technical Specifications be available and how can I access them?

    MID Technical Specifications have been published on Anypoint and to get a registration link please email engagement@mib.org.uk

  12. Will Navigate be compatible with more modern servers?

    We will have no constraints on the type of server organisations can use. For example, the existing e-series interface will be redundant and replaced with an API call using OAUTH 2.0, REST, json/xml

  13. What is the Launch Weekend and when is it?

    Launch Weekend is the weekend just prior to Go Live when the MID data is migrated to Navigate.

    Go Live will be 29 April 2024. See our Launch Weekend page for more details.

  14. Will Experian still be hosting the MID?

    No. Our new cloud based platform is being created by our new partner Wipro and the data will be held in Microsoft Azure. 

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