We're committed to making sure that every customer who will use the Navigate portal to submit and/or enquire on MIAFTR data has tested ahead of Go Live later this year.

This page shares the resources you'll need to carry out that testing.


Portal testing process

Most MIAFTR customers that use the Navigate portal to submit and/or enquire on MIAFTR data will carry out their portal testing from June to October 2025.

Introducing our Early Portal Testers

A small group of customers – that we’re calling our Early Portal Testers - have kindly volunteered to be the first to test the portal before we open wider portal testing.

This early testing begins in early March and ensures that we address any issues before we open up testing wider.

Later in Q2 all remaining customers will be assigned to a testing group and will be supported by their engagement lead in preparation for and throughout this process.

These Early Portal Testers will help us to identify any issues with the functionality we’ve built in Navigate. They will also share their insight on how we can improve our testing approach and guidance we offer.

When testing opens more widely, it will be launched on a staggered basis. Customers will be allocated a defined timeframe to complete their testing and will be asked to attend a briefing workshop before their test window starts.

We’re currently allocating customers to testing groups and will share details shortly.

Got a question about Early Portal Testing? 

If you have any questions before you start your testing, please contact the Engagement Team at engagement@mib.org.uk

Once you begin your testing, if you have any questions then please raise them using the Help/Contact Support button within the Navigate portal.

First, take a look at our FAQs here and if you still need help then please get in touch.

Early testers will need the THREE documents below to complete their testing.


Navigate MIAFTR Portal Testing Guide

Please read this document BEFORE you begin your portal testing.

Navigate MIAFTR Portal Test Scenarios

The guide can be used in conjunction with this list of portal test scenarios.

Whilst we would like you to perform the scenarios listed, you are not restricted by these and if you feel comfortable, we encourage you to test and use the platform as you currently do to ensure it works for you.

MIB created test data

This list of MIB-created test data which is present in the test environment and can be used where indicated in the portal test scenarios.

Organisations that enquire only will just need to perform test searches as you do now – the MIB created test data can be used to search on.

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