Compensation for victims of terrorism involving a motor vehicle

If you or a member of your family are injured or impacted directly by a terrorism incident in the UK involving the use of a motor vehicle after 1 January 2019 please call the free claims helpline 0800 130 3885 for expert advice on any potential claim and advice on how to access support services including counselling.

The terrorism claims helpline and claims service are funded by the UK’s motor insurance industry and is operated by MIB (Motor Insurers’ Bureau). The helpline will only be live once when MIB will handle the claims resulting from a specific incident.

Legal advice

Contacting the MIB terrorism helpline does not impact your right to independent legal representation and you are free to seek legal advice at any stage. If you have legal expenses insurance, you should inform your insurer.

For details of independent solicitors contact the Law Society Find a Solicitor Service